Thursday, April 22, 2010

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1 comment:

  1. Joe & JuneApril 29, 2010

    Ineke - It's Thursday 4/29; 12:01 PDT here in CA. I've just finished reading your posts up to 4/22. I talked with Jan Buckley today. She had heard that the crew was held over to Monaco. We wondered about you and all the other passengers that were sked to leave at Lisbon. Now we know - at least about you. What about Heidi? Margarete? Elsbeth? Did Mateo come back?

    I have sent some pix to you by email as well as a hyperlink to my Blogsite. I did an overall summary of the crossing (to Sint Maarten) with a few pix. Check it out. I smile every time I see your smiling countenance in my IPhoto file. Please give our regards to Colin/Suzanne (and Avril, if you're speaking) and all of the "Seniors" who remain on board. Our best the Capt.Bruno. Also sympathy to him (and his wife/children) for missing their vacation in Sicily. We hope you will arrive sfaely and be able to get home. Best wishes to Adrian.

